Raising the Frequency of the Earth

Creating Heaven on Earth

The above image explains a lot.

The earth is going through a major period of transition. The bottom half of the image above represents the earth in darkness and fog where it is hard for anyone to see things clearly.  As the earth rises upward,  the fog begins to dissipate and the dawn starts coming in,  just like when our sun rises in the morning.  With the light, people are able to see things that they could not see in the dark.  These things were present in the dark, but without the light to see, it appeared that they were not there at all.

The angels in the highest realms of heaven are able to see things with utmost clarity. These angels wish for our highest good and attempt to lead us to the light.

In the picture above:

The Brightest Light on the top = Purity and Clarity =  The Highest Realms = It feels VERY VERY good to be in this place.

The Darkest Shadow on the bottom = Haziness and Blindness = The Lowest Realms = It feels VERY VERY Bad to be in this place.

Once we see how wonderful it is to be in the brightest place, we are spontaneously drawn there, like a plant that bends toward the sunlight.

The goal at this time in our world is to catch a glimpse of what is available in this place of the brightest light. When we catch a glimmer of this light, we naturally lean toward it. This process is easy and natural for all beings.

This explains the purpose of the Heaven on Earth video contest and we invite everyone to enter.

Everything is energy,  and energy vibrates at different frequencies. The brighter areas in this image relate to the higher frequencies. The darker areas  relate to the lower frequencies. On this website I sometimes describe what is happening in terms of energetic frequencies because this relates to what I have been doing in my work for years.

I have a background in scientific and energetic medicine. What appears to be the greatest skill I have developed over the years is “listening.” I have been using applied kinesiology since 1998 to listen for advice from those in the highest, brightest, realms who have our highest good in mind. Listening can be compared to a radio picking up and interpreting radio waves. What is on this site is what I am picking up with my listening.

It is time for the world to change to a place where suffering doesn’t exist and all that is left is the creation of more and more things that feel very good. The process is happening gently and lovingly for absolutely everyone everywhere. Our earth is rising toward the light and it is time for us to know this.

Thanks for listening.