Prayer for Acceptance of the Amazing Gifts of Christ Towards the Creation of Heaven on Earth

Gifts of Christ

(Christ, in the form of Jesus of Nazareth, endured these so we would not have to. He cleared a path so we would not have to suffer.  It is time for us to accept this enormous gift.)

The Prayer:

"Christ, I accept the gift you have given so that I can obtain full relief from all agony. Thank you."

"Christ, I accept the gift you have given so that I can obtain full relief from all physical pain. Thank you."

"Christ, I accept the gift you have given so that I can obtain full relief from all emotional pain. Thank you."

"Christ, I accept the gift you have given so that I can obtain full relief from all of my personal pains. Thank you."

"Christ, I accept the gift you have given so that I can obtain full relief from all pains related to death. Thank you."

"Christ, I accept your heavenly bliss which is available here on Earth. Thank you."

"I ask you to remove any resistances I may have to these occurring now.  Thank you."

— Heaven Now

Note: The trials Jesus Christ suffered to relieve our suffering include 1) the agony in the garden of Gethsemane; 2) the physical pain with the scourging at the pillar; 3) the emotional pain with the crowning of thorns; 4) the carrying of the cross (we each carry our personal crosses); 5) the crucifixion (pain involved with death). He did this as a sacrificial lamb so we would not have to. Also, the miracles he performed were to show us, not only what he can do, but what we all can do.

Image by Daniel B. Holeman