Creating Heaven on Earth: Raising the Frequency of the Earth
The Heaven-Now home page discusses some powerful methods we all have available to create our optimal future. That page introduces the possibility that a world more wonderful than most people can imagine may be within our reach. It explains that we can utilize tools of communication, thought, beliefs, and intent to get the energy moving toward the creation of our optimal world, or Heaven on Earth.
This page, Creating Heaven on Earth, will discuss more specifically some energetic and spiritual interactions that can help us create Heaven on Earth.
Many people have a sense these days that our earth is going through a major period of transition. Leading thinkers such as Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson and Neale Donald Walsh are among those who are talking about the world being ready for a time of incredible change.
The image above helps explain the way energy affects our world. The top of this image, where it is brighter, relates to a place of pure, bright energy. This place feels very, very good to us. The highest, brightest, most pure energy of all is the divine energy. That is the energy found in heaven and is the energy of God. That energy is where we are from, it is our home and who we are, and is our ultimate goal. The bottom of this page relates to a dark, shadowy energy. It feels bad here because it is the absence of the divine and is not our ultimate goal.
Everything in the universe is energy. Items that appear solid are actually not solid matter at all but are composed of mostly empty space… energy. All energy is vibrating. Every single item in the universe is vibrating at its own unique energetic frequency.
Each individual person vibrates at a unique frequency as well. A person who has a sunny personality vibrates toward the brighter side of the spectrum. It feels good to be with this person because they are raising your frequency toward your ultimate goal. A person with a shadowy personality vibrates toward the darker side of the spectrum. It feels bad to be with this person because they are lowering your frequency away from your ultimate goal.
Likewise, if you watch a news clip that makes you feel bad, it is lowering your frequency. If you are watching a news clip that feels good, it is raising your frequency. It’s a good idea to be careful what you expose yourself to because your energy is directly affected by what you experience. If you mostly expose yourself to positive energies you will feel better in the long run as your frequency is raised.
When a person vibrates with the lower frequencies it becomes very difficult for them to be good. They virtually “cannot” be good no matter how hard they try. When a person vibrates with the higher frequencies it is easy for them to be good. Being unconditionally loving, understanding, graceful, harmonious, peaceful (and all the most desired traits) comes easily and naturally when we resonate with the higher frequencies!
How great it would be — to be the way we want to be easily! THAT is what happens when the earth’s frequency resonates with the divine frequency: everything happens with ease! Health, happiness, vitality… everything desired falls right into your lap! NOW we are talking about the experience of Heaven on Earth!
The sum total of everything’s and everyone’s vibration on the earth creates the total vibration of the earth. As the world gravitates closer to the higher frequencies your vibration will automatically be raised to the higher frequency as well.
How can our frequency match more closely with the divine frequency?
1. By asking for it! "Ask and You Shall Receive" is a law of our universe and it is very powerful indeed. After people get a glimpse of how wonderful Heaven on Earth would be they naturally and spontaneously ask for it. There is no effort involved in this step but it does involve using our free will, which is an important part of this transaction. The Heaven on Earth video contest plays a role in this step.
2. By tuning into the divine with our thoughts and prayers. This is akin to asking a man who is out of a pit to throw you a rope. Also, have you heard that, over time, people begin to look like or have the mannerisms of their spouses or their friends? Similarly, as we spend time with the divine, we begin to resonate with the divine, and we become more like the divine. In this way we can gain the power to request and achieve incredible things. See our Prayers Page for prayers that help tune you in to the higher frequency to ask for wonderful things for our world.