Is “Heaven on Earth” a Logical Possibility?


The concept of Heaven on Earth has been a long-term expectation in numerous, different perspectives going back 5,000 years to the Jewish tradition. The concept of the Messiah coming is basically looking toward Heaven occurring on Earth. This is extended into Christian traditions where in 2013, Pope Francis mentioned that "The Communion of Saints," talked about in the "Apostles Creed," describes the "Solidarity Between Heaven and Earth," which means Heaven and Earth uniting. Jesus himself is an "axis mundi." He is described as a perfect point of union between Heaven and Earth, the union of Jesus and the Christ.

In the Buddhist and Hindu traditions we can look toward the Bodhisattva, the being of perfect compassion, Avalokiteśvara, who decided to await for all sentient beings to be freed from suffering before moving on to attain buddhahood. The Dalai Lama is said to be the reincarnation of Avalokiteśvara, and prays his favorite prayer daily "As long as space remains, and as long as sentient beings remain, until then may I too remain, and help dispel the misery of the world," awaiting for Heaven on Earth and the end of suffering. As described in another post on the Heaven Now page, the Dalai Lama is said to be the last reincarnation of Avalokiteśvara, which suggests that the union of Heaven and Earth may be arriving soon.

And now we’re seeing many newer philosophers discussing the vibration of the planet rising, or Heaven and Earth uniting, which is what Heaven on Earth is about. Marianne Williamson was quoted: "When in the Bible it says Heaven and Earth shall be no more, according to ‘A Course in Miracles,’ that simply means that they shall no longer exist as two separate states. It is our mission in that sense to bring Heaven to Earth. ‘A Course in Miracles’ says the greatest power we have to change the world is the power that we have to change our minds about the world." Opening our minds to the possibility of Heaven on Earth occurring in the real world is the first step to its occurrence. (This is the goal of this article, the work of "Heaven Now" and our annual Heaven on Earth video contest.)

Father Robert Barron, bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, is quoted: "The ‘Our Father’ is decidedly not a prayer that we might escape from the Earth, but rather that Earth and Heaven might come together…Do all that you can to foster the marriage of Heaven and Earth." Teachers such as Eckhart Tolle, Dolores Cannon, Diana Cooper, Charmian Redwood, Martin Rutte, Neale Donald Walsh and a host of others also talk about this.

Therefore, this has been an on-going concept through time. In old traditions it was seen as occurring long in the future. However, now, more and more, it seems to be knocking on our front door.