The Healing of the World Requires all of its Pieces

The Healing of the World Requires all of its Pieces

Tikkun olam is a Hebrew Kabalistic phrase that means "Healing the World." The important part of this teaching is that the healing of the world entails all of the pieces of God to be present or the healing cannot occur.

Let’s compare this to a puzzle.

A puzzle can be a beautiful work of art but it has no completion until all of its pieces are in place. It is not just nice to have all of pieces in this puzzle present, but it is imperative.

We are each a piece of the puzzle of God. No piece is better or worse than another. The artwork on the puzzle pieces can be gorgeous angelic clouds or it can be a dark ocean, but regardless, each piece is as important as another. Under the surface paper, each puzzle piece is the same.

All of the pieces of God — all of us — must be included for us to complete the puzzle of our existence, and to fulfill our destiny toward Heaven on Earth.