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3rd Annual Heaven on Earth Video Contest

This website is about possibilities. We can all create our future, so let’s do it. Anything we can dream of is possible, so why not create the future of our dreams!

Everything that can be imagined is possible… Therefore, as we broaden our imaginations, our possibilities are endless.

Change is rapidly accelerating and things never dreamed of in most of human history are becoming commonplace. This accelerated rate of change suggests that even faster and more exciting changes may be in our near future.

Recent teachers are helping an increasing number of people come to realize that we are all directly in control of our experience and our future through exercise of our thoughts, beliefs and intents.

Not only are we in control of our own experience but we influence our collective experience and future.

How is that possible?

1. In this day of lightning-speed communication, each of us can introduce new ideas to many others more quickly than ever before in human history. The introduction of new ideas is a very powerful way to affect innovation.

2. When a certain percentage of the population conceives of a new possibility, a tipping point can occur. The “Hundredth Monkey Effect” explains how a small percentage of a population can affect the behavior of an entire population by unknown, yet very powerful, means. The percentage of a population needed to affect a population’s behavior is called the “critical mass” and has been estimated to be about 10% of the population.

Therefore, YOU can make a huge difference.

We invite you to open your mind to the possibility that our world can transform to a place as wonderful as can be imagined, a place we like to call Heaven on Earth.

Heaven on Earth can be described as:

  • A place of total and permanent relief from all suffering.
  • A place where "miracles" are commonplace.
  • A place where unconditional love for ourselves and others comes easily.
  • A place of unparalleled joy and peace.
  • A place with no negative experiences where we focus on creating more of the positive: more beauty, more fulfillment, more expressions of love and more pathways to bliss.
  • A place where everyone follows his or her utmost passion, while naturally living in perfect harmony with all others.

This will be anything but boring!

Bruce Lipton, M.D., Ph.D. describes Heaven on Earth in his book "The Honeymoon Effect": "A state of bliss, passion, energy and health resulting from a huge love. Your life is so beautiful that you can’t wait to get up to start a new day and thank the Universe that you are alive."

Scientists and philosophers are seeing similar movements as described above.

  • Joseph Campbell in his book Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor, talks about our future as containing no cataclysmic events but a transformation where all beings naturally see the divinity of themselves and all other beings. He writes: "Apocalypse does not point to a fiery Armageddon … It lies in our realization of the ubiquity of the divine presence in our neighbors, in our enemies, in all of us."
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, a Nobel Prize nominated nuclear physicist is presently writing a book explaining the process of the expansion of our consciousness and thoughts and the role this plays in our world becoming a place like Heaven.
  • Jacob Teitelbaum M.D., a renowned author and teacher, says that the natural result of the acceleration of change is the growing ability to create whatever we can conceive. Dr. Teitelbaum is currently writing a novel explaining the direction he sees occurring in our world, resulting in undreamed-of changes happening in our lifetime!

Heaven on Earth may be on its way and it is not only for a select few. It is for absolutely everyone regardless of their belief systems or how good or bad they appear to others. When the “light turns on” in our world, everyone is enlightened!

Creating Heaven on Earth: Raising the Frequency of the Earth »